- Výrobky vyvíjeny a testovány ve spolupráci se speciálními jednotkami
- Testování v reálných bojových podmínkách zahraničních misí
- Extrémně nízká hmotnost – řada výrobků nejlehčí na světě
We designs and delivers Czech tactical gear for army and law enforcement. We have been dealing with manufacturing of equipment for extreme conditions for more than 30 years.
Our main customers include the Czech Ministry of Defence, Czech Ministry of Interior, Slovak Ministry of Defence, 601st Special Forces Group Prostějov, 5th Regiment of Special Designation Žilina, Rapid Deployment Unit of the Police of the Czech Republic, 43rd Parachute Battalion Chrudim, Czech Active Reserves and more.
They trust us
Army of the Czech Republic
601. Special Forces Group Prostějov
43. Parachute Battalion Chrudim
Rapid Deployment Unit of the Police of the Czech Republic
Operational Group of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic
Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic
5. Regiment of Special Designation Žilina
Multi-purpose regiment - Hlohovec OSSR